"This is the NYPD line formed when a pack of reporters demanded access"
Occupy Wall Street:
Zur Stunde (d.h. mitten in der Nacht NY Ortszeit) wird Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) von der New Yorker Polizei gewaltsam geräumt.
Das Küchenzelt wurde mit Tränengas attackiert. Bulldozer dringen ins Camp ein. Persönliche Besitztümer von Campern werden zerstört. Bäume im Park werden gefällt. Die umliegenden U-Bahnstationen sind geschlossen. Die Brooklyn Bridge wurde gesperrt. Reporter werden nicht zugelassen. Die Polizei ist teils schwer bewaffnet.
Aktuelle Berichterstattung in der New York Times.
Berichterstattung (updated) bei naked capitalism:
"More evidence of efforts to create a press blackout."
Video hier.

"Some of the cops involved were from the 'Counter Terrorism' force (see photo), confirming that for the neoliberal global regime a 'terrorist' is simply a term to describe anyone who challenges their domination."
Berichterstattung (updated) mit Live stream bei occupywallstreet.org:
"We will reoccupy!"via shamwow
Die New Yorker lassen sich nix gefallen: Widerstand - Livestream: http://www.ustream.tv/theother99#utm_campaign
AntwortenLöschenGood news: Ein Richter des Supreme Court des Staates New York hat entschieden, daß die Räumung unrechtmäßig war. (Dokument)
AntwortenLöschenMeldung in NYT-Blogs
Judge Says Protesters Can Return to Park for Now
A New York judge on Tuesday issued a temporary restraining order allowing protesters to return to Zuccotti Park only hours after police forcibly removed them, arresting dozens.
The order by Justice Lucy Billings set a hearing date for Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. and said that until the matter was considered at that hearing, the city and Brookfield Properties, the owners of Zuccotti Park, would be prohibited from evicting protesters or "enforcing 'rules' published after the occupation began or otherwise preventing protesters from re-entering the park with tents and other property previously utilized."
It was not immediately clear what effect the order would have on the protesters meeting in nearby Foley Square. Some had advocated returning to the park.